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Original content is the most sought after asset a business can have online. People are clever beings. They are looking for sincerity and originality. Hiring a  professional to help you work with the content that you already have is key. Creating further original content and keeping it consistent is pivotal.  Stock photos do serve a purpose, especially on Instagram - to brighten your feed and create the look and feel that you want to reflect. Smart application of stock photo usage is a skill. I suggest using a bled of 60% original: 40% stock. 

Search the Hashtag #flamencorza on Instagram of illustrations of my most recent work. 

These Illustrations are just to showcase the diversity of my work. I prefer to discuss the look and feel with my clients before I design anything. Their perspective is just as important as my design skill. Artwork is pre-approved before going live. 

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Custom Digital Illustrations  

Although this was  not used for social media, it's one of my favorite designs to date. Inspired by a Bohemian and Gold theme for a friend. This image is perfect for word overlays as the white space on the left is unused. 


Using Original Content 

Original Photo and information overlays with Logo. The image is of the entrance at the Guest House conveying the message that the establishment is open for business, while important information is carried across in the less relevant section of the photo, utilizing overlay blocks. 



Original content with company branding 

This is an original photo and the Company name is slightly blended onto the side of the bus. 


Using Stock Photos 

This client of an ethnic hair salon had not yet obtained original photos of her work. Knowing that she could braid someone's hair as the picture suggests, we preferred to use a stock image. 



Original content for advert 

Original content was used to showcase this clients Ozone machine, instead of using a stock photo. We did this to give the advert a more personal feel. 



This client had asked for an A3 design to inspire and motivate staff at the office. 



Instagram Puzzle Piece 

3, 6 and 9 piece designs available with original content. Every block serves as a post. This 6 piece Protea piece was inspired by Heritage Day. 

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